Dec '05
Code Kata
by Frank Spychalski filed under Computer, articles

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A few days ago I followed a link from JoelOnSoftware and stumbled upon Dave Thomas’ Code Kata page1. The basic premise is that developers should spend time playing around without pressure to explore certain different algorithms, solutions or designs just like musicians or athletes spend time practicing. I think this is not only a great idea but fun, especially because most of the time there is no right or wrong solution. I wish I had enough time to ponder over all excercises, but so far I only found time to think about:

  • Kata One a nice and simple design question. It gets more interesting if you add rules like “if the customer spends more than 100$, he gets a 10% rebate”.
  • Kata Two implement binary search in 5 different ways, I used this to learn some more Ruby, but still 2 implementations are missing :-(
  • Kata Seven code review, I had to fix some old code so it was easy to add this exercise.

1 This guy might be a agile/pragmatic/ruby guru but the navigation inside his blog sucks. I had to use google to get from Kata Sixteen (the first page I found) to the ‘Code Kata’-page.

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