Apr '05
by Frank Spychalski filed under projects
Sorry, for the lack of posts. I was on vacation and put most of the little spare time that was left into improving my clone.
Here’s a short list of the features I have implemented by now:
- add a bookmark entry with title, comment and tags
- a bookmarklet for adding entries
- view the list of bookmarks for user and/or tag and sort by bookmark time, title or hostname
- user defined stylesheet for a custom layout
- edit/delete entries (since 14.4.05)
- privacy, the user can choose who sees the entries (since 15.4.05)
- Tag: private (only this user can see entry)
- Tag: local (only logged in users can see entry)
- public, the default behaviour
- simple RSS feed works (since 15.4.05)
- related tags (since 23.4.05)
- intersection between and union of any number of tags (30.4.05)
A list of upcoming features, sorted more or less by my perceived importance:
- a HOWTO and help texts
- searching
- mimic api
- rewrite login/register
- im/export for every known SBM
- add a peer-to-peer capability