Archive for the 'Work' Category

Jul '06
XSL Best Practice
by Frank Spychalski filed under Rants, Work

I have to work with XSL templates again and in addition to XML being a terrible language to write any kind of code in I found this anti-pattern. Read the rest of this entry »

Jul '06
Getting rid of Hypersonic Db in Jboss 4
by Frank Spychalski filed under Java, Work, articles

I don’t know how much time I could have saved, if someone told me I should not use the hypersonic database for a production JBoss system.
hsqldb is not a production quality database.

Read the rest of this entry »

Jul '06
Road to Ruby enlightenment - lambda, proc etc.
by Frank Spychalski filed under Ruby, articles

This is the fourth part of my Road to Ruby enlightenment. It started a long time ago with tutorials and first steps. Read the rest of this entry »

Jun '06
Java 6 (aka Mustang) goes Ruby
by Frank Spychalski filed under Computer, Java, Ruby

Some time ago Martin Fowler wrote about Humane Interfaces which led to an lively debate. This is really old stuff, but yesterday I read about the upcoming Java 6 aka Mustang and one of the changes was adding the isEmpty() method to String.

So it seems like Java is slowly getting more humane :-)

May '06
Road to Ruby enlightenment - red and gray
by Frank Spychalski filed under Ruby, articles

This is the third part of my Road to Ruby enlightenment. It started with tutorials and first steps. Read the rest of this entry »

This is the second leg on the Road to Ruby enlightenment. It started with tutorials and first steps. Read the rest of this entry »

This is not a Ruby tutorial. Read the rest of this entry »

Apr '06
Advanced articles on Ruby?
by Frank Spychalski filed under Ruby

I’m going on vacation and to keep me busy I’m looking for some advanced Ruby related articles. So far I found The adventures of scaling and the first few chapters of the Ruby Hacking Guide. After the number of comments I got for my last posts, I hope someone is reading this one, too. Do you have any pointers?

Apr '06
Rubybashing: Why use implicit return?
by Frank Spychalski filed under Rants, Ruby

I like Ruby, I really do. But there is one thing I just don’t get. I seems to be good Ruby style to use as much implicit returns as possible. Why? Read the rest of this entry »

Apr '06
Errorhandling Ruby vs. Java
by Frank Spychalski filed under Computer, Java, Rants, Ruby, articles

At my daytime job I had to rewrite a class which sends a Message to a Queue. Sounds simple? With EJB3 it is reasonably simple and can be done in around 10 lines of code involving lots of lookups. But if you are looking for a reliable solution which works even when the application server reboots every once in a while your code gets messy. My current solution has 120 lines of code and there are still some things to add like buffering of unsent messages. Read the rest of this entry »