Aug '09
Quite some time has passed since the last time I wrote something on this blog, mostly because I did little non-work related worth mentioning.
- Downloaded JRuby sources (jruby-1.2.0RC1) from http://www.jruby.org/download.
- Patched the build.xml to not include doc/index.html from dynalang.jar otherwise dx will complain about an HTML page in the ruby-complete.jar.
$ diff -r jruby-1.2.0RC1 jruby-1.2.0RC1.patched/ Only in jruby-1.2.0RC1.patched/: build diff -r jruby-1.2.0RC1/build.xml jruby-1.2.0RC1.patched/build.xml 42c42 < --- > 238c238,240 < <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"/> --- > <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"> > <exclude name="**/doc/index.html"/> > </zipfileset> 268c270,272 < <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"/> --- > <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"> > <exclude name="**/doc/index.html"/> > </zipfileset> 387c391,393 < <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"/> --- > <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/dynalang-0.3.jar"> > <exclude name="**/doc/index.html"/> > </zipfileset>
- Downloaded the JSON sources from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=953 and put them in lib/ruby/1.8/json/
- Copied android.rb to lib/ruby/1.8/.
- Built jar-complete (ant jar-complete) and added jruby-complete.jar to eclipse project.
- Connected the bits and pieces in com.google.ase.interpreter.jruby
But beware! The new ASE apk is HUGE (4.6M) and JRuby is fairly slow. But it works